Saturday, July 28, 2012


Eating the paleo way can be amazing in many ways. Everything from losing weight to making you have a clear mind (not foggy from chemicals) working out with paleo is very important. Even if its just taking a stroll in the park. The best workout that goes hand in hand with paleo is CrossFit. The crossfit workouts usually do not take longer than 25 minutes. Unless your super ambitious and do much more than your "WOD" workout of the Day. I usually will follow the WOD and run a mile or more, depending on how much time I have. Since I am not a member of a crossfit gym, I downloaded apps on my phone such as Workout Trainer by Skimble. Under the exercise section they have a crossfit WOD updated daily! And best part its FREE! If you don't have a smart phone then you can always Google your local crossfit gym location. Most gyms offer a free crossfit class every weekend. Most gyms do not mind how often you attend the free class. Usually, they are just happy your there doing it! So here is my WOD! 5 rounds of each 10 Burpees 20 box jumps 20 wall ball shots using 15-20 pound medicine ball Go out there and rock it! Have an awesome Saturday!!

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